
We are very proud of our school’s History. Saint Pierre School started as one man’s dream. This dream was continued by a teacher who believed in the school so much, he bought it!

Where We Started

On January 11th 1952, Monsieur Guy Eugene Felix Bragard and Mrs. Teresa Amy Barton founded College Saint Pierre in Mrs. Barton’s house at 10 Grand Drive, Leigh-On-Sea.’ That year, the school opened with just three pupils, but that rose to a still manageable five by the end of 1952.

The building which now houses Saint Pierre School at 16 Leigh Road (known as Leonard House) was erected in 1880 as a private house with servant quarters – this is why there are two staircases. There was also a heated winter garden and a bowling green. Leonard House has been a guest house on at least two occasions, a club with a drinking licence, a different school and a nursing home. A local historian recently approached the school to inform us that he was of the opinion that Winston Churchill once visited Leonard House. The house was also home to Beaulieu College which moved there from Rayleigh between 1948 and 1951. Saint Pierre was an all-boy’s school until girls were admitted in 1985.

Where We Are Now

In 2003 Mr. Bragard retired after 50 years at the school and Mr. Kurt Davies, then a teacher at the school, took over as proprietor. Mr. Davies still owns the school which has become his life’s passion. The school’s Headmaster Peter Lane is also a proprietor of the school.

Emerald green was chosen for Saint Pierre’s blazer as Mrs. Barton is of Irish descent. Ms. Bragard’s Belgian descent is reflected in the school’s red, yellow and black tie.

The school’s badge was designed by Monsieur Bragard’s father and includes:

  • The Rampant Lion – this is considered to be the embodiment of courage, strength and nobleness.
  • The Fleur-de-Lys – this is the emblem of French kings.
  • The Clef (The Key) this is because Saint Peter holds the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The school’s motto of ‘Je tiens bien’ (I hold fast) is indicative of the strong moral and ethical values instilled in the children, and it will always be highly valued at Saint Pierre School.

“Je tiens Bien”

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