Child Absence

Attendance and Punctuality

Saint Pierre School seeks to ensure excellent school attendance and punctuality so that pupils can achieve and realise their potential and have full opportunities to be involved in all aspects of school life.

Reporting an Absence

To report an absence or a lateness, please notify the office by 8:45am by emailing, calling 01702 474164 or messaging via the school gateway app.

It is now a statutory legal requirement for us to inform (other than in exceptional circumstances) the local authority if children are absent from school for non-medical reasons. The local authority will be given our attendance data and may decide to fine or have “support meetings” with parents.  A particular target seems to be families taking holidays during term time.

We will continue to inform you if your child’s attendance falls below acceptable levels but the decisions on local authority actions are not under our control.

Requests for Leave

As a general rule, permission for holidays during term time for children in reception – year 6 will not be given. Please do not make travel arrangements before discussing the matter with the school.

Request for leave forms can be collected from the main office or found here.

Medical Appointments

Appointments for doctor, hospital and dentist, etc. during the school day should be avoided where possible and made during the school holidays or weekends. We encourage pupils to return to school after their appointment wherever possible or to schedule appointments for as late as possible in the afternoon.

If your child needs to bring medication into school, it should be bought into the office and an administering medication form needs to be completed.

Make an enquiry

If you have queries on Child Absence do not hesitate to get in touch

Parents have their say